Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ten Centimeters Dilated

Hi all,

Many have said - we haven't heard anything - no blog - how are Lilly & Scott coming along! And on and on w/ the interested questions. My apologies for holding out for so long. So let me update you a little on all the adventures of this past week.

First as the title mentions it seems I am dilated by 10 centimeters at this point. Scott & Lilly are either in or on their way to New York City via Hong Kong as I write. I haven't heard from them yet, so I have to assume they are still in flight. They arrive their tonight (Wed.) and then will take a direct flight to Grand Cayman tomorrow (Thurs.) with an arrival time around noon.

So how was the week?

Let's start w/ chemo. Chemo #3 finally was a go on Friday, so I am halfway done w/ my chemo treatments and quite happy about that I might add. Even though I had to be bumped back a few days for this chemo - the timing was perfect.

My sister, Barbie, arrived in town on Thursday, July 3rd. So she got here just in time to be on hand should Jesse or I have any needs during that time. I am so thankful for the cleaning lady/cook she has been for me and the little friend she's been for Jesse. :) As it is Chemo # 3 went fine and I am doing ok. The worst of it has been the anxiety and tiredness that sort of sets in about days 3-6 following the chemo treatment. It just sort of puts me on edge a little, leaving me in need of extra rest. My sister would say I do not rest enough, but this night owl is doing her best to at least take naps and to get to bed a little earlier than usual. I guess the whole get more sleep thing is good advice as a whole as we have a baby arriving here soon!!!!

More importantly - how are Scott and Lilly???????? Right????????? They are doing really well. Scott is doing amazing w/ Lilly and they seem quite bonded to one another. I could tell by his emails at one point that they were going from bonding to spoiling - but overall, I just think little Lilly is just so happy to have the attention of such a doting Daddy and so that makes me happy. She seems very much at east w/ her Daddy.

Text messages from Scott throughout the week:

While in Nanchang:

Funny thing: they serve baked beans on the breakfast buffet. Tell Ellen it will make her laugh. (Ellen and Dave are our friends from the New England states). Turns out she was right. Beans are for breakfast. Who new?

Is is 9:00. Lilly and I just returned from a 2 hour self guided tour of the city. We stayed w/in 10 blocks of the hotel and took 200 pictures. Reminds me of Peru accept for all the Chinese people. Loving it but missing you.

I have one extra bag of Chinese formula. I will buy two more this morning. She is asleep again and I am studying. She really is wonderful. You are going to love her. Sorry about the photos. I am trying a bunch. I just can’t send them. Love you. By the way, I think Lilly may have called Lisa Welman (a friend in Cayman).

At 3:00 a.m. gave her a bottle and now she is back to sleep. Me, wide awake at 4:00 a.m. and loving it.

She usually has 2 hour naps and sleeps the night. I think she gets overwhelmed by the new world unfolding around her these days. We will be home in a week. You can recognize me by the carnation in my lapel and the Asian baby in my arms.

Her clothes do fit well she is a tiny angel

I think I am spoiling our daughter. It is hotter than hell and we just walked for two hours and she is copping an attitude because I stopped. Could this be another princess?

Eating lunch in the restaurant. Lilly is in a high chair eating bread w/ a hard crust and a sweet cake. Had a bath. We both survived. While I typed this she stole bread from the table next to ours. Very funny.

I don’t know how much she was fed before. All I know is that if she is fussing, she is hungry.

In Guangzhou:

The white swam is really nice. Not certain, but I think I ate him for breakfast. Yum. Lilly is chowing down on a piece of French toast. This kid loves to eat. Warn the dogs. I fear what will happen if they leave food in their dishes. Miss you. Give Cuatro a hug and a kiss. Warn Garbo & Lucy their worlds are about to change.

Had a great afternoon. Explored the hotel and visited some of the local shoppes. She had fun. Lilly fed herself two sweet rolls at lunch. Made a mess but had a great time. She does not mind sitting in her high chair jamming food in her cakehole. It is 6:00 and she just put herself to sleep. We played together most of the afternoon. Afternoon may be her best time. Tomorrow it is bath time again. Probably after breakfast. Love and miss you. P.S. Tell your sister not to touch my stuff.

Good morning. 6:30 and just woke up. Touring Guangzhou than just hanging out today.

Back in our room. She pooped is eating and then it is nap time. Tour was nice. Lilly seemed bored as if she had seen it before. Hmmmm.

Getting ready to leave for Hong Kong:

All that remains is to finalize on the other side of the sea. I have her visa et all. Love you.

Eating breakfast. Getting packed. Leave for airport soon.

So there you have it some texts from Scott about Lilly. He jokes all she does is eat, sleep and poop, but Joshua said, that's the same w/ him, so it seems all is well in her world. And Josh's for that matter, too.

Say lots of prayers for a great celebration tomorrow when Scott brings Lilly out the airport doors and we finally meet her in person!

Be blessed and thanks for praying and waiting for her arrival with us!


Julie & Scott


Sue said...

This is wonderful. I'm excited about tomorrow, so I can imagine that you are bouncing off the walls. We want pictures!!

Allison said...

Dear Jules:

I can't believe that Lily is state side. What a glorious "birth" this will be. Jim and I are thrilled for you and Scott and can't wait for you to visit Pennsylvania. We'll have to get Angela to meet us in Pittsburgh for a reunion. Love you and can't wait to see pictures. Remember to take good care of yourself as Lily needs her mommy. Let me know what size clothes she is wearing so I can send her some things. God is Good!
