Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blessed, Blessed, Blessed

Feeling completely blessed today! And grateful beyond words.....yes, me, beyond words.....crazy! :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Blessing that is Greenville

With my favorite season and the spring weather right around the corner, I felt like it was time to reflect on how the Graubards faired this past winter. While I imagine I'll always have the Island Girl love for the beach in my blood, I can honestly say I've come to love Greenville, Pennsylvania. We all have really. And, dare I say it . . . even in the winter months.

Having grown up in a small town and then having spent twelve of my adult single years in one, it's no surprise I love the simple life found in the Borough of Greenville. Greenville is a reminder to me of all the basic things I love about life in a small town. I love it that people smile and recognize me when I walk through the local grocery store. I love that I can leave my car running as I jump out and run to the mailbox to drop a letter in. I love that neighbors truly care to stop and talk while out walking their dogs.

As I sit here and really rack my brain trying to think about what it is I might miss about living in a larger city, I am mostly at a loss. I mean, we have cultural life through Thiel College, we have a Walmart, we have amazing churches reaching the lost. We have great coffee and restaurants. The only thing I can think to say we've lived near in the past but do not have in the borough is the convenience of a mall, but I'm not really a mall kind of girl. Okay, maybe a movie theater would be nice. Yes, a small town dollar movie theater would be nice. There.

On the other hand as I reflect on what has made life in this particular small town of Greenville a blessing many specific things come to mind. Like Marty and Martha owners of Fresh Grounds Coffee Shop downtown, who are giving people of all ages a great place to hang out and even allow us to use space for a weekly Bible Study. Oh and I can't forget Ben at Fresh Grounds who sees us and says, "Hey, I just brewed a new pot of decaf when I saw you coming." Perhaps it's the fact you know the people who fix your cars, which comes in handy for a family with second hand cars. The first time we took our car to one location, when asked how much it would cost, the man said, "You look trustworthy, so just pay me when you can." Or when you pull up to Aldi without a quarter to get a cart your pastor's wife happens to be there, too, and hands you one. But I feel certain even if she had not been there I have no doubt someone would have given us their cart foregoing their own quarter that comes back at cart return time. And beautiful Riverside Park where we like to run, walk and play. When family or friends visit I insist they see our park.

I mentioned even this winter I enjoyed myself. Of course my kids love it. Both my 3 and 9 year olds each made their first snow angels ever in Greenville. Scott and I are right there in the snow playing, too. I mean, have you ever been pulled on a sled by a four-wheeler! I've yet to figure out the right snow to make a snowman, but we'll get it eventually. I'm not going to tell you winter is or may ever be my favorite season, but I am happy to report, it's been an okay winter.

We have a wonderful church family in Bethel Life Worship Center, a church that is doing the stuff and reaching outside their walls to people in the community to make a difference in lives with the Love of Christ in practical ways. We also are involved in ministry with Thiel College Students. Oh and can we send out a big "Thank You" to Thiel College for community use of the Dome this winter! The schools are good with caring teachers where my kids are truly happy. Oh and I, a cancer survivor, who is very careful with selection of medical care, has been quite happy with my medical treatment in Greenville and the connections to UPMC in Pittsburgh a driving distance away. But most importantly we love the people. The people are warm and friendly. Last but not least we are finally within driving distance of my family and our daughter Megan who is at Slippery Rock. Life is sweet.

I could go on and on about all the things that make Greenville great. I won't pretend we've had no difficult times adjusting here, and certainly we are hopeful the town will come out of it's difficult financial times. Still the blessings are far and above the hard times. Yes, we love it here. God's love is evident all over.

Thank you Greenville for welcoming us with open arms. But even more importantly, thank you God for bringing us here. You always seem to know what's best for us and where we belong.

Praising Him,

Julie & Scott & Crew

"Running towards the Goal" - Phil. 3:12-16

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Gospel according to Lilly

Funny Lilly stories come all the time. I thought I'd share this as I wrote it to my friend in a message.

One of Lilly's Sunday school teacher's LB was really excited that a year ago she had taught on Hannah and Samual and this year when she began teaching it again, Lilly remembered the story and told LB the story back. So LB is soooo proud her teaching is getting through . . . at least to the smart Chinese kids in the class like our Lillybean.

So the other night we're riding in the car and Lilly says, "I can tell you about Hannah. LB says I tell it real good. Hannah asked God for a baby. And God gave her the baby Samual. And Hannah gave Samual back to God . . . " We're like, ah-ha, ah-ha. And then suddenly she goes. "Then God left the baby Samual. Then the baby Samual started crying." Scott and I were listening intently and then I thought to myself, what that didn't happen. So suddenly I said out loud, "Wait! That didn't happen. Lilly are you making stuff up now?" She got a smirk on her face and said, "yes." and then giggled.

Lilly may have ended her sharing with us in a silly way. Perhaps she was just trying to complete the story on her own. Perhaps she was being funny, which is what I think. But either way . . . beautiful that she even cares to share it. Beautiful.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ho Ho Ho . . . Christmas 2010

Ho Ho Ho . . .

Can you hear it? We did and often coming from a 3 year old little voice made as low as she possible could pull off. Yes, Lilly, was very aware of Christmas this year and more accurately of the presents.

Christmas time was a tish bit crazier than usual around here. We chose December as moving month. No, we haven't left Greenville, PA, but we did move about a ½ mile down the road to a 4 bedroom house, giving each child a room to call their own in lower campus area of Thiel College.

Scott is Public Service Director for Greenville Borough bringing home the bacon, but also had a position teaching a course at Thiel this past semester. He loves teaching on the college level and hopes to find more opportunities in the future. I hope so, too. I often quote, “happy wife, happy life,” but truly, “happy husband leads to happy wife, which leads to happy life,” so oh, how I hope teaching gigs continue as he's a great teacher and a happy one. Both Scott and I are involved in Campus Ministry through an organization called CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) Campus Ministries. Scott is currently working towards his PhD at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. He also made a trip overseas with his buddy, Jeff, on a mission trip to Lima, Peru and is moments closer to being accepted as a Chaplain in the Army,

David (24) was in this year for a brief visit before Christmas. Our time with him was short, but sweet. He currently holds down a full-time grown-up job, while also pursuing a bachelors degree. Having made a switch from Navy to Air Force he continues to be in the National Guard.

Megan (19) is a freshman at nearby Slippery Rock University, working towards a degree in Math Secondary Education. She loves Slippery Rock and we love having her so near. Spending several a long weekend with us, she and Lilly have become tight as sisters need to be in this sea of boys. Oh, and Megan had a 4.0 her first semester! So proud of her!

Josh (17) is a senior! Joining the military ranks in this family, he signed on with the Army National Guard with an early sign-on bonus for doing it his senior year of high school. When he comes home in his uniform from Guard Weekends, it blows us away. Crazy! He'll leave for boot camp in June after graduation. Currently on winter break from Dairy Queen employment, his favorite pastime is hanging out with Asians. You'll have to ask him about that yourself.

Jesse (9) entered 4th grade which means he's in middle school. He continues to get good reports academically, like his recent 4.0 (Yay Jesse!), as well as on being well-behaved and friend to all. When soccer season hit this past year, he declared to cousins, friends, and coaches, that he's an International player since he played in the Cayman Islands. Well, he does have a point. He did play internationally.

Lilly (3) is officially a US Citizen as of this past week! Completely aware of Santa this year, weeks before Christmas, she announced, “Mommy, maybe if we go to bed, Santa will come!” Very concerned with staying off Santa's Bad List (a valid concern), she asked 2 days before “Is there still time to make the Good List?” She had it covered. She was going to write Santa a letter if it wasn't looking good. Scott congratulated me for doing my mothering job well, the morning he woke her and she said, “Just five more minutes of sleep.” Yep, that's my girl. Lilly loves Sunday school friends, napping with daddy, baking with mommy, watching television with Jesse and being sarcastic with Josh. Keeping all of us on our toes always, she makes me tired and laugh all at the same time. Lilly equals joy!

In addition to happy homemaker and CCO ministry, I volunteer 2 days a week in the office of our church, Bethel Life. My most exciting adventure this year was a short-term mission trip to Quito, Ecuador! Amazing ministry touched my heart. And in spite of what you hear, I only spilled one bowl of soup on a little girl and did not cause a country plumbing incident by continually mistakenly flushing toilet paper. I did, however, apparently talk a lot. And yes, I'm still working towards completion of a book about our life, but no, I did not meet my self-imposed deadline to be done editing completely by December 31st. Still I press on and hope to complete it this coming year. I remind myself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” - Phil. 4:13 (NKJV) And so can you.

A late but Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!

Blessings & Love,

The Graubards

Monday, November 15, 2010

Julie's Chat with God

I mentioned in my last blog how I have a history of anxiety. Not debilitating panic attack anxiety, but I assure you it's real. It all began, immediately following my complete hysterectomy 4 years ago at which time doctors assured me menopause would come fast and hard. Since then I've dealt with anxious legs (picture wanting to kick a hole in the couch for relief, the month or two immediately following the surgery) to feeling like I'm crawling out of my skin prior to a hot flash (which then goes away immediately), to the one that bothers me the most the "I have so much to do I can't do anything" anxious heart that comes when I stress myself out. I've been told some of this is probably medication related due to an anti-estrogen medicine I take to keep me anti-breast cancer, some of it is menopausal hormones and quite honestly (and I think primarily) it's Julie's love to stress personality.

With Thanksgiving and Christmas activity approaching, a self-imposed December 31, 2010 deadline to finish a book, and a need to pack for a move down the road in the middle of December in an organized fashion for my own sanity, for days last week I found myself unable to perform any of my responsibilites. I would sit in my chair staring at my computer or the television or I'd try to nap; all techniques I use to escape my duties. I did all of this while also trying not to climb through my skin, because I knew fully it was all ridiculous and had to stop causing me this undo stress. My normal routine when feeling this way is to call a friend to chat it out and to ask them to pray. Or to call Scott and ask him to kindly tell me to knock it off or hug me. But one day last week was different. I decided I wanted to meet anxiety head on and deal with it, to get right in the middle of it instead of running from it. So when Scott got home and suddenly found he could not go on a walk/run with me for one of us needed to stay back with the kids, I left on a walk of my own with my thoughts to deal with.

I went for that walk at which time tired of anxiety having its way with me, I decided to have a conversation with God. And here's how it went:

I said to God, "Why do I have anxiety and often? I want to know so I can change what's at the root of it and face it head on."

And I heard this in my spirit, "Submit."

So like the Julie I am who always pushes it further, I said, "But I do submit! I know I don't always get my way, but You do always get Yours. I get that."

And that's when I got it for I heard, "No, Submit."

I realized it's like this. Just because we listen to our parent and do as they ask it doesn't mean we always agree with them. It seems I tend to do the same thing with God sometimes. Especially when I see people hurting and don't understand His whole plan or where He's going with something by allowing it. This helped me to see myself in a new light and to see things a little differently than I had been.

If you question if anxiety is real in people, than you've never experienced it, because I assure you it's real, but I also assure you . . . God can help you through it. Anyone who knows me knows I'm all for medical help and medicines for I see them as some of God's lifeboats He sends our way. But I also say, Cling to the Lord as I do and ask for His help.

My suggestion, don't say, "Please take my problem from me." Rather say, "Please take my problem and also take me to the source of the problem and deal with that in me, too." Oh, the burden that is lifted is completely worth it. I personally don't think you can say, "Lord, lift my high cholesterol" while drinking a glass of crisco oil. I think we play a part in honoring Him. When we accept His gifts of healing us while knowing full well it can happen again if we don't make some changes ourselves, are we really honoring his gift. I say, ask Him to help you to learn how to fish. He loves you and wants the best for you.

Love Julie, who since chatting with God about anxiety and the source of that anxiety has packed several organized boxes, exercised and even done some good editing.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Be Anxious about Nothing . . . Not Even the Hot Flash

Be anxious about nothing. I know that's Biblical and I really need to press into scripture with the anxiousness of which I'm referring, that which comes with the approach of a hot flash. If you've never experienced a hot flash then you might think, "Oh, yes, the hot flash. My mom had those. She'd freeze the rest of us out of house and home by opening the windows in the middle of winter. And sometimes she'd go into a compulsive fanning of herself to cool off. Yes, I'm familiar." I'm here to report. No, no, you are not familiar.

The hot flash in and of itself is not horrible. Sure it's no fun to be in an airconditioned building all dressed up yet all of a sudden you find yourself sweating out of nowhere. But that's not what I dislike. In fact my sister actually likes the hot flash for it warms her normally freezing self up. Silly sister.

No, what I struggle with is the anxious feeling that comes right before the hot flash, thus compelling me into wanting to yell to all who will listen "Do not come near me . . . get away! Come on hot flash, so this feeling goes away!"

And that is your lesson on hot flashes. If you're ever near me and I start shooing you away, please don't take it personal. It's simply anxiety hitting me as the hot flash approaches. You're annoying to me even though you don't deserve it. Just step away and pray for me. Pray the hot flash hits, so the anxiety goes away. For once the hot flash hits, I may be a little sweaty for a moment, but I can handle you being near again . . . as long as you don't laugh at me. Oh yeah, just yesterday I told you we should laugh more. Ok, then laugh. For if I'm beyond the anxiety and in full out hot flash, I'm not likely to throw a shoe at you. Rather I'll have my fan out like a sweet southern girl fanning herself of the heat.

And remind me of one of my favorite scriptures:

"Cast your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

Thanks for laughing with me. I needed it. :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Laugh More

Realizing I don't laugh enough these days . . . will be working on that. Do you ever notice that about yourself. I've noticed lately as the weather has been getting cooler I haven't been laughing as much, but rather have been taking myself too seriously. Note to self, see how many times I mentioned "I" . . . could be some of the problem. Tonight I read the blog two of my friends started which they call "Bittertrain." I tell you I was giggling myself silly. So here's my advice. Take time to laugh more often. I think if my focus is on me at all, it should be to laugh at myself more. I promise you life is so much sweeter when you're laughing instead of whining. Laughing.