Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chemotheropy Complete!

Hi all,

This is a quick blog - but I wanted you to know Chemo is done - finished - complete! I made all six treatments w/ God's grace & now I am recovering rather nicely I might add. I start radiation in October for 28 treatments & will head into Christmas w/ my nice boyish style rockstar hairstyle & can move on to just loving on Lilly & the rest of the family for that matter! Just checking in as I know many worry when you have not heard from me, but suffice it to say I was just resting and getting better. Most side effects behind me at this point - just still a little tired.

Love & Kisses & Bless those around you today,


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Off to Tampa for Chemo #6

Hi all,

Just reporting in to let you know I am off to Tampa to Moffitt Cancer Center for my final chemo session. I always get a little anxious about getting a chemo as I know what a week from now could bring in terms of anxiety if I let it. So as I close in on my last chemo I ask if you will to pray w/ me for an easy chemo - which just does what it needs to & gets out w/ out my suffering (or the family for that matter) from many side effects.

I head to Tampa on Monday w/ Lilly in tow & my Mom will be meeting us there. Then I return to Grand Cayman on Thursday. I'll talk to you when I get back, but if I don't blog quickly - know that I am resting and will when I am up to it.

Thanks as always for the prayers.

Love & Be Blessed,
