Saturday, September 6, 2008

Off to Tampa for Chemo #6

Hi all,

Just reporting in to let you know I am off to Tampa to Moffitt Cancer Center for my final chemo session. I always get a little anxious about getting a chemo as I know what a week from now could bring in terms of anxiety if I let it. So as I close in on my last chemo I ask if you will to pray w/ me for an easy chemo - which just does what it needs to & gets out w/ out my suffering (or the family for that matter) from many side effects.

I head to Tampa on Monday w/ Lilly in tow & my Mom will be meeting us there. Then I return to Grand Cayman on Thursday. I'll talk to you when I get back, but if I don't blog quickly - know that I am resting and will when I am up to it.

Thanks as always for the prayers.

Love & Be Blessed,



Nichole's mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichole's mom said...

I deleted my first comment cause I spelled beautiful wrong... It came out beastiful and I didn't like it! What I had said was that I had just received a picture of a beautiful graduate and I was sooooo happy! It's one of the best graduation pictures I've ever seen. I'm praying for peace the rest of this journey and joy for your family.

I love you guys


Cathy Scott said...

Can't believe you have Lilly!!!! how great and when did this happen!!!!!
You keep you in prayer always, Love Craig and Cathy