Thursday, August 28, 2008

When it Rains it Gustavs

So it seems we have a hurricane on the way through the Cayman Islands. So we are prepared and will keep you posted. My poor Mom flew here to help us out & now she gets to be here for a potential hurricane coming to greet her.

We are not worried as we are no strangers to hurricane preparations. But if you want to help - say some prayers & you know what I always pray. I pray the storm into the water. You know to fizzle out as we don't want it hitting someone else either.

Oh and as is common w/ chemo treatments there is a cycle you go through each time. So first I feel miserable & then I feel some bone pain from the blood boosting medicine and then I start feeling like my old self. I'm on my way to feeling like my old self again and in much better spirits since I wrote out how I was really doing. I have to imagine you are praying for us as we are all in much better spirits for that matter.

Be blessed & keep the prayers coming,

Julie & the Graubard Crew


Nichole's mom said...

So you don't have enough going on, you have to have a hurricane too. The republicans will be happy you are praying it into water, otherwise it could mess up the convention! LOL!

Prayerfully yours


Island Girl . . . who for now is stateside but will always be an island girl with a heart for the sea . . . said...

So true! Thanks fo the prayers. :)

fl4mom said...

Hey Julie,

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better. Have a wonderful visit with your Mom and stay safe during the blow.

I'll join you in praying that the storm(s) will just fizzle out, but we wouldn't mind receiving some of the rain from the fizzled leftovers. We're finally to the point water-wise, that we're no longer officially in a drought but we could still do with more of the wet stuff.

Oh-I was so jealous of John Sundstrom when he said that he got to see you and meet Lily! The next time that you're in our area, let me know and maybe we can visit.

Love to all the family,