Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quito Mission Trip . . . August 8 & 9

Shuffling Off to Quito, Ecuador – Day 1, Sunday, June 8

Well, it's finally happening. We are finally heading to Quito, Ecuador, a much anticipated Short-term mission trip with my church, Bethel Life Worship Center.

Seems like just yesterday we were all praying and finding our own way to this particular trip. For me, it was a heart for missions which started to grow more and more with each trip Scott made to South and Central American in the last ten years. I used to call myself the praying wife who prayed him up as he headed out to Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela and Costa Rica. I'd stay home, hold down the fort, take care of the kids and promise to put a dog or two to sleep for bad behavior if needed. But after a long-term mission stint in Grand Cayman of the Cayman Islands, my heart for the world grew and I knew I head to get out there and see the world, how it lives and touch lives with the Word. With this in mind, early on at Bethel Life, I learned of the trip to Quito. After talking to my friends Kris and Denise at Bethel Life, there was no turning back. I was destined to Quito, Ecuador Summer 2010. And here I am sitting on a bus on my way while my husband stays home, holding down the fort, hopefully not threatening to put down a dog or two.

We all have a story like this that lead us here. Tammi, got the bug, too, while her husband Rodney felt it was a call for her he would support and cheer on. Tish, she came all the way from Texas to fly to Quito after what sounds like countless encouraging talks w/ her friend, Andrew. Tara and her mother, both nurses, caught the bug, too. It was Tara's mother who declared she was nervous early on, but then just 2 days ago as we prepared to go, she said, “If I didn't even go on the trip at this point, I've already gotten so much out of it.” Well, said, I'd agree.

Anyone who knows me personally knows I am always eager to talk, share the Lord's Word and rarely show nerves where that is concerned. Yet it has been through fasting and praying and praying some more, I've realized how very nervous I am. It's a big job, spreading God's Word. Will I do it correctly? Will my silly personality translate or will they look at me strangely? Will they understand me even with a translator? I mean, come on, even my husband thinks I speak another language sometimes. . What if I confuse someone and they don't get the proper seeds planted as a result? Well, guess what? Perhaps that's part of the point. I'm not the lead in this dance. I'm simply one part of the whole dance, The best part is I don't have to lead. He'll lead and hopefully keep me from stepping on other dancers toes, but even if I do, with a praying heart filled with His grace, He'll continue to lead me and all I have to do is listen for His voice and follow Him, and share His love.

So tonight some with tears in their eyes, others like me saw an opportunity for a nap on a bus are headed to New York City where we will catch a plane for Quito, Ecuador by way of a layover in Costa Rica. No, Tammi, you don't need to fly the plane, just sit back and relax. Relax and as for that anxiety about flying . . . Stop it!

The bus ride is funny. Personalities are coming out. Lot's of headphones on listening to Ipods or as I lovingly refer to them walkmans. Me, I have on my 2005 birthday present, an MP3 player, playing over and over 10 songs Scott put on for me initially. I'm listening to the music, while I sit and write. Kris and Kendrick are watching “Mall Cop” on an Ipod while laughing a lot. I asked “Kris, do you have a headset on?” Why you ask . . . she said much louder than I believe she could have realized, I'm eating a hershey kiss with “CARMEL.” More laughter. Oh and while we're on food. I'm loving Crystal's Grandpa for the cookies. And enjoyed getting to know my new friend Brenda, Crystal's mother as we shared days of packing stories. Pastor Kent has walked up and down the aisles tending to his flock several times. I overheard Angie read a Bible Verse to Summer out of Daniel about following the Lord whether He showed up or not to bring the 3 men out of the firey furnace they were put in for following their faith and bowing down to no other God. A great reminder as we head out.. And snacking. Lots snacking going on from carrots to cookies. But I think Jared is my favorite to watch. At 10 he is the youngest player on the trip, bu t I sense may have the greatest potential to touch Ecuador with his innocent face and faith. I can't wait to see what God has in store for not only Jared, but for each of us.

Thanks for following us. I'm off to get my rest for I feel God has a great journey that is already unraveling as we head to New York.

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