Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Blessing that is Greenville

With my favorite season and the spring weather right around the corner, I felt like it was time to reflect on how the Graubards faired this past winter. While I imagine I'll always have the Island Girl love for the beach in my blood, I can honestly say I've come to love Greenville, Pennsylvania. We all have really. And, dare I say it . . . even in the winter months.

Having grown up in a small town and then having spent twelve of my adult single years in one, it's no surprise I love the simple life found in the Borough of Greenville. Greenville is a reminder to me of all the basic things I love about life in a small town. I love it that people smile and recognize me when I walk through the local grocery store. I love that I can leave my car running as I jump out and run to the mailbox to drop a letter in. I love that neighbors truly care to stop and talk while out walking their dogs.

As I sit here and really rack my brain trying to think about what it is I might miss about living in a larger city, I am mostly at a loss. I mean, we have cultural life through Thiel College, we have a Walmart, we have amazing churches reaching the lost. We have great coffee and restaurants. The only thing I can think to say we've lived near in the past but do not have in the borough is the convenience of a mall, but I'm not really a mall kind of girl. Okay, maybe a movie theater would be nice. Yes, a small town dollar movie theater would be nice. There.

On the other hand as I reflect on what has made life in this particular small town of Greenville a blessing many specific things come to mind. Like Marty and Martha owners of Fresh Grounds Coffee Shop downtown, who are giving people of all ages a great place to hang out and even allow us to use space for a weekly Bible Study. Oh and I can't forget Ben at Fresh Grounds who sees us and says, "Hey, I just brewed a new pot of decaf when I saw you coming." Perhaps it's the fact you know the people who fix your cars, which comes in handy for a family with second hand cars. The first time we took our car to one location, when asked how much it would cost, the man said, "You look trustworthy, so just pay me when you can." Or when you pull up to Aldi without a quarter to get a cart your pastor's wife happens to be there, too, and hands you one. But I feel certain even if she had not been there I have no doubt someone would have given us their cart foregoing their own quarter that comes back at cart return time. And beautiful Riverside Park where we like to run, walk and play. When family or friends visit I insist they see our park.

I mentioned even this winter I enjoyed myself. Of course my kids love it. Both my 3 and 9 year olds each made their first snow angels ever in Greenville. Scott and I are right there in the snow playing, too. I mean, have you ever been pulled on a sled by a four-wheeler! I've yet to figure out the right snow to make a snowman, but we'll get it eventually. I'm not going to tell you winter is or may ever be my favorite season, but I am happy to report, it's been an okay winter.

We have a wonderful church family in Bethel Life Worship Center, a church that is doing the stuff and reaching outside their walls to people in the community to make a difference in lives with the Love of Christ in practical ways. We also are involved in ministry with Thiel College Students. Oh and can we send out a big "Thank You" to Thiel College for community use of the Dome this winter! The schools are good with caring teachers where my kids are truly happy. Oh and I, a cancer survivor, who is very careful with selection of medical care, has been quite happy with my medical treatment in Greenville and the connections to UPMC in Pittsburgh a driving distance away. But most importantly we love the people. The people are warm and friendly. Last but not least we are finally within driving distance of my family and our daughter Megan who is at Slippery Rock. Life is sweet.

I could go on and on about all the things that make Greenville great. I won't pretend we've had no difficult times adjusting here, and certainly we are hopeful the town will come out of it's difficult financial times. Still the blessings are far and above the hard times. Yes, we love it here. God's love is evident all over.

Thank you Greenville for welcoming us with open arms. But even more importantly, thank you God for bringing us here. You always seem to know what's best for us and where we belong.

Praising Him,

Julie & Scott & Crew

"Running towards the Goal" - Phil. 3:12-16