Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Bit about Tithing . . .

Today I read in my daily devotion about the tithe. I know, I know . . . nobody wants to talk about the tithe. "All our Pastor or our Priest talks about is the tithe. Not Julie, too. I hate those guilt sermons." Well, I thought I'd do your Pastors and Priests a favor and explain something that just spoke to my heart. And If you know me at all you know I'm not a legalist. I don't think you're going to Hell if you don't tithe, but I am going to suggest some stuff you might want to think about. Stuff I, too, shall continue to think about and let set deeply in my heart. Here's a section out of the devotion that struck me as really important to ponder:

Abraham paid tithes six hundred years before the law (see Genesis 14:20), then Jesus endorsed it saying we "ought to tithe (see Matthew 23:23), and the writer to the Hebrews confirmed that it's still God's plan (see Hebrews 7:4-5). As believers, we are the spiritual seed of Abraham, and as such, his blessings have been promised to us (see Galations 3:14) But if you want what Abraham had, you've got to do what Abraham did - and he was the first man in Scripture to tithe! Giving God the first tenth of your income makes Him number one in your priorities. His Word says, "'Bring the whole tithe . . . Test me in this,'. . . 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing, that you will not have room enough for it.'" (Malachi 3:10 New International Version (NIV)). Do you want to walk in God's blessing? Be a tither!

Upon reading that here are some thoughts. Nobody wants to hear the sermon called "You Need to Tithe." Especially if you go to a church that doesn't let you bring your cup of coffee in with you. Even people who feel strongly they should tithe have obstacles to this. The first reasons many give who actually want to tithe but at the moment are not, "I want to tithe, but I don't have enough money to do so. I have a car payment. I have a house payment. I don't make enough money at my job." And the really guilt ridden might even say, "I'd love to do it, perhaps my family can eat less." Well, guess what? I have often thought just the same. Only if I'm honest sometimes I get annoyed that if we are out of money the first thing to go is my hair highlighting habit. I told you I'm honest.

Listen, it's hard to come up with the money. But I think perhaps this is where my thinking has been faulty. I think often our thinking is God gets what's leftover. Of course, He does. Why? Because He's not sending us notices saying if we don't pay He'll take His love back. As a result like the child who is the most quiet and best behaved in the room gets overlooked in the needing attention department. Be honest. Right? We pay for our cars and our houses so they're not taken away, but with Jesus, once you receive Him into your heart, He won't disown you. Isn't that even more reason to be loyal to Him and His flock. Don't let Him slide as a priority. Our kids can't fire us, so it's okay to ignore them, right? Wrong? We wouldn't do that would we. Well, maybe. :)

Just a thought about how to go about fixing this. If we paid our tithe first because it was a top priority, we would never miss a payment. It would be up there with our other budgeted items like our house, our groceries and our car payments. After all those payments were made then we would do the extras like buying a frappe at Starbucks or even just a cup of coffee at the local mini-market. The leftover money would not go to the tithe, rather it would be what paid for those new sketcher shoes and yes, those highlights for your hair. Oh shoot, there I go down a rabbit trail thinking about myself again. Sorry.

And I'm not as oblivious as I often seem, I know some people are strapped even more than I suggested above. I realize there are people in debt and struggling to even buy groceries and keep a roof over their heads. But I promise you, He will take care of you. He will. I could give you countless examples. Find a church you can fellowship in. One where you will find love and support as you climb this burden of a financial mountain. I'm not suggesting you go ask for a handout. I'm suggesting you go and ask them to help you by suggesting a financial class or counseling to help you. Don't keep living with your head just above water. Go for help. Their are wise people to talk to where money is concerned. Please don't call me. I said, wise people where money is concerned. But there really are wise people who can help, I've seen people turn their financial situation around time and time again. You say, no, Julie, you have no idea how bad our situation is. Perhaps not, but the Lord does. It's not easy, but it can be done and with it brings Freedom.

Please don't feel guilty today about this. Guilt is not from God. But do pray about this and give it some thought. At the the very least get your best pensive look on your face and think about it a tish bit.

Thanks for listening to this Island Girl who's landlocked with thoughts I wanted to share with you . . .