Thursday, February 4, 2010

And all I got was this t-shirt

Do you ever feel that way? Like you want to be on vacation, having a swell old time walking the beach or whatever it is that vacation looks like to you, yet you feel like you only got the t-shirt. The reminder of what a great vacation spot you're missing out on. I've felt that lately. And make no mistake, I am blessed. Blessed beyond reason. But still, I'm human and more specifically have a flair for the dramatic, so sometimes when life is just day to day routine, something I personally should be excited about, I get a bit of the blahs.

Today I got one of those forward emails meant to remind you God is in all things. I'm not one for those emails, but I know people mean well when they send them. And often times they know I love Jesus, so they feel I'm a safe person to send them. But that said there I go judging as I know they do speak to some people more than they do to me. I suppose I just prefer to know Him on a more personal basis. I prefer Him in my day to day life thinking of Him, my BFF, on and off all the time for it is from He who I draw my joy.

All this said, today I got one of those emails. While it is very nice and very insiteful - I laughed when I read the first part of it. The email went something like this. "I asked God for a flower and a butterfly" written on top of a picture of a beautiful flower w/ a butterfly nearby. The next frame read "And he gave me this cactus." I laughed out loud. For we've all been there. Of course, the email went on to say, the cactus sprouted a beautiful flower and the catepillar also received became a gorgeous butterfly, so trust God for He knows what He's doing. All true for I do know God gives us His best. Still when you feel like life is beating you down, you know what it feels like to get the cactus when you want the beautiful water of a beach somewhere in the midst of winter. Maybe I'm taking this too personally in the midst of my first real winter back up North. :)

Fortunately I still have my sense of humor. And like I said mundane in the Graubard household is not such a bad thing.

Life isn't always a parade . . . nor is it a hurricane . . . I suppose thankfully . . . for it is in these times I think perhaps "this girl" grows the most. It is during these times where I get the "life is too good to be true" fears that are simply not from the Lord. Worry takes you nowhere, my friends . . . turn it all over to the Big Guy upstairs. He's in the business of showing you how cactuses are really flowers in disguise.

As always . . . thanks for listening.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33