Sharing What's on the Heart ♥
You’re Invited!
A night of Praise & Worship, One Girl’s Story & a little Pizza & Fellowship, too!
Join my friend, Lisa, & I and our husbands as we share w/ you Worship & A Message from My Heart entitled "So, What's Your Prognosis?" - One Girl's Testimony of What she learned through her Walk through Breast Cancer not once - but twice? Come find out how in spite of the trails we faced as a family, we found blessings and peace along the way. If you get nothing else out of it you'll have great fellowship & laughs - lots of laughs - come here my story! Who knew Breast Cancer and trials had a funny side?!
Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Food & Fellowship: 5:00 p.m.
Worship & My story begins: 5:45 p.m.
RSVP: for details & location
Bring $5 if you're keen for Pizza (we're ordering in)!
We'll provide beverages.
We hope you can make it!
Blessed, Blessed, Blessed
13 years ago