Well, it's official, we have found the Moo Farm. The Moo Farm you ask? What's that? Well, thanks for asking, I'd love to fill you in.
If you haven't visited us yet than you are not aware of the fact that just down the road from us is a big field where there are generally anywhere from 4 to 6 cows tied up grazing. We've always enjoyed watching the cows as we walk or drive by. But nobody enjoys them as much as Lilly.
Anytime you mention the cows she gets really excited and starts mooing. And it's a very sweet & drawn out Mooooooooooo! Well, Scott started a routine w/ her. Around dinnertime she is often a little fussy as she's hungry and usually getting tired. So in an effort to help me out, Scott started taking her for walks to see the Moos. So now at the first site of Scott as he returns from work, Lilly goes running to him jumping around happily, going Moooo, Moooo. And she jumps in her stroller and they are off.
In their daily adventures several things have happened by the moos. Always funny stories. And Scott has met the farmer, of course, and the caretaker of the cows, also an of course. And he's learned about the Moos. So they have learned most of the Moos are quite friendly and it's ok to pet them. Except for the mean Moo who they know to stay away from. So we do enjoy driving by day and night and watching them.
But the field moos aren't the greatest thing we've discovered. On one of their walks Scott & Lilly found the actual Moo Farm. A pen with several young cows just one neighborhood over. They drove me by once and I fell in love.
So in an attempt to have fun w/ Lilly one day, Jesse, Lilly, my babysitter, Marcia & I all drove to the Moo Farm when we were taking Marcia home. And Lilly started Mooooing out the window. Then one cow started Mooing back. Then Lilly and I would moo some more and then one by one like crazy sounding windchimes they were mooing at us. We were all laughing hysterically, but no one was laughing as hard as Marcia. She said, "Julie, they are angry at us! They think we've come to feed them and now we aren't. They see your car pull up and it's feeding time and you aren't feeding them!" Very funny, poor cows.
Turns out, that's true. I hope their food came shortly after. Well, not really.
When we drive by as much as I like meat, I see these sweet little faces and start calling them baby and then start shouting "Don't eat! It's a trick" Of course, I knew this, but it was never so evident as when many of them disappeared during the Christmas Season.
Now it's become routine sort of, Jesse has taken over for me yelling "Don't Eat!" But Lilly quickly counters "Eat!" Nice, right.
So what I've learned about all of this is Moos may come and go in your life, but Lilly proves to me the best thing to do is to just continue visiting the Moo Farm and be happy to see whoever is out waiting to Moo back.
Blessed, Blessed, Blessed
13 years ago