Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Ta-Da Moment

I can't believe I forgot this great Ta-Da Lilly Moment! Scott just reminded me of another Lilly story.

One day we were at our church. It was after the evening service & Lilly was crawling around. And our friend, Ingrid, was making all over her. Well, at one moment I was busy talking to someone else and Scott was nearby Ingrid & Lilly. Lilly kept crawling up the carpeted steps to the stage (about 4 or 5 steps) when all of the sudden Lilly started to fall down the stairs. Ingrid caught the flying baby in a single bound by throwing herself through the air. Even though Ingrid caught Lilly mid air thus keeping her safe - Lilly still was wide-eyed and began to cry (but honestly I think Ingrid was even more wide-eyed and shaken). Scott quickly jumped in to crying Lilly and said "Ta-Da!" And Lilly went from tears to a big smile as she threw her arms out in the air & said, "Ta-Da!" And all was well again in her world.

So in our family Lilly has taught us when life gives you lemons a Ta-Da is needed is needed indeed. And Ingrid taught us how to fly through the air at the drop of a hat if needed. Honestly I think the Ta-Da Moment belonged to Ingrid. But Funny Girl got the laugh.

Anything For A Laugh

Lately, I find myself doing what most new mother's do w/ their friends & family. I find myself telling people all the stuff Lilly is doing. But in that Scott & I find humor in the midst of everything - it's the humorous I tend to share. So I was just writing to my friend, Lynne, and I said - Lilly has done so many funny things that I should blog about it. And so here I am.

Lest you wonder if God is in control - let me tell you a little about our Lilly. I was telling my sister a funny Lillyism the today & commenting on how much she does that is just like the rest of our family, so I know God picked her out just for us. My sister responded w/ something along these lines. "God's in control . . . imagine that. :) I think it took God so long to bring her to you as he was trying to find the right wacky child to fit into your family. "

I must tell you I fully agree w/ those words. Lilly is (Bianchi)Graubard through and through. She will do anything for a laugh. Sound familiar.

What prompted my sister's comment was my comment about Lilly biting my port. You heard me correctly. First, here's a port lesson. A port is that bump I have on my chest that was surgically put in and leads directly to a major vein so when I was having chemo my veins wouldn't collapse. This particular port I had put in this time was ugly. You know how I know - if I didn't already think so myself - many an ignorant soul has felt the need to tell me. I'm not holding grudges. It is particularly ugly - they had to put it up very high on my chest wall up near my collar bone this time due to not wanting to mess w/ my reconstructive surgery from 2006 from my last round of this when they hooked me up and fixed things following surgery on that side. Anyway, so I have this ugly port. And I don't hold grudges because when people say stuff like "that's uglu" to me - I think - they must have just had a stupid moment - no one can possibly insult like that if they are thinking. So most times it just made me laugh later at the ignorance due to the stupid gene we all have from time to time. Rabbit trailed - supposed to be talking about Lilly. I'm getting there though - promise.

So Lilly and the port. Lilly is particularly good at cuddling and giving hugs & kisses. So just the other day she leaned in close to me for what unsuspecting me thought would be a hug and next thing I know I'm yelling "OWWWWWW!" and yelling at Lilly to stop it. She had leaned in and bit the skin covering my port. I didn't laugh in front of her, of course, as she'd have certainly done it again for another laugh at another time. But I did laugh. I laughed because I'd have done the same thing. In fact, if I could reach it w/ my mouth - I might have tried to bite it. Kidding. I think. Anyway, as a kid for sure I would have done it - she was just curious - it is odd. A girl after my own heart. Curiousity got the best of her.

Other funny Lillyism.

Many of you know the story of Gideon putting out a fleece to see if God was really w/ him. Well. If we had put out the fleece - this would have been our kind of test and let me tell you - God is w/ us. Lilly took a domino and place it in her mouth w/ it sticking out like a T from her mouth. Stop it worriers - I am the Queeen of worry and the dominos are way too big for her to swallow & not made out of lead paint or anything but plastic. Back to the story. So Scott being Scott took more dominos and placed them going the other direction making a cross and stacked 3 more on the first domino. Lilly kept her lip out the whole time letting him do it. And it wasn't a one time deal - she'll do her trick for anyone who wants to see it. Lilly is one of us beyond a shadow of a doubt. Oh and for those who know her . . . my friend Judy, who I am staying w/ while I go through my radiation treatments, can stack up to 4 dominoes on her own original domino when she does the same trick as Lilly. Yay Judy!!!!!!! Now Judy just needs to get down the "ta-da's" that Lilly does after a trick.

Whom. What else. Words. Josh teaches her very funny words for a baby. She pronounces the words and says them in a voice you'd have to hear yourself words like - excellent, onion, Garbo, and whatever else Josh can think of which he feels will sound funny coming out of her mouth. Gramma Kay also got in on the scene by teaching her "yellow." Very funny as it's a trick for her tongue to say that one. Lilly is a copycat for sure. You say it and she repeats it. You do it and she will do it. Very smart little one. Her language skills are right there w/ any 16 mos. old, so no worries there. Although sometimes I do think she speaks some Chinese words. I pray she's not swearing at us, but I do think she speaks Chinese occasionally. Not a stretch . . . she's Chinese afterall.

But my favorite Lillyism now may be the one to bite me in the port in her teenage years. Whenever I tell her no she stops what she's doing, doesn't even really get mad at me - jus tlooks over and scrunches up her face until I laugh out loud. This is going to be my challenge. I must stop laughing in front of her. Yeesh. And Scott, Josh & Jesse are no help at all as they all egg her on.

Lilly "Anything for a laugh" Graubard. Graubard through and through.