Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jon and Kate plus a sad fan

I know it's ridiculous, but I am so saddened by Jon & Kate and their recent separation. Are they victims of stupidity! Did plastic surgery & pedicures & hairstyles make their harmless little life of parenting all those kids go down a wrong path? Sure. But who of us would pass up a free tummy tuck?! Is Kate mean? Sure. Does John put on blinders and seem oblivious most of the time when there are 8 kids to be parented? Sure. But they sound like normal parents of lots of kids that forgot they need God in the middle as it's hard. It's so hard. I mean is Kate mean or is John a slacker? Both. Which came first . . . the chicken or the egg? Who cares. Why isn't someone counseling them to get through this - they've invested so much and were just about to get them all in school. We can all be judgy - but the truth is they are marriage today. It's hard. Hard I tell you . . . but if he did not cheat, if they really are both believers - I so wish someone would pray and pray hard w/ them to fix this and take a break from the media. Am I passionate about this? No, why do you ask?!I need a sandwich.


Unknown said...

That is deep............. What kind of sandwich?

Kelli said...

I'm with you, Julie. I think it is reasonable to be saddened anytime someone breaks a vow - especially an oath the size of marriage. It's like the kid that works so hard on a sandcastle... only to see a big wave knock it down. Or like saving your quarters for a double scoop ice cream cone... and then accidentally knocking it to the pavement. Divorce is like the biggest letdown, the largest disappointment possible. You go from "happily ever after" (or the illusion thereof) to being locked in your own separate towers. I pray the Lord breathes life into their hearts so they are able to fight for one another, so they WANT to fight for their marriage. I hope that they use their resources to find themselves some good help.

PS - Maybe Kate needs to read your blog about control

Sue said...

Sadly, I think you are more passionate about saving this family than Jon and Kate are. I say get rid of these two whiners and replace them with re-runs of The Brady Bunch so we can see a real example of the American Family. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.

Sue said...

Oh wait...I should have said Partridge Family since that's my Sue Bonaduce picture.

Island Girl . . . who for now is stateside but will always be an island girl with a heart for the sea . . . said...


TJ said...

turkey w/ avocado, Jersey tomatoes, lettuce, swiss, salt and pepper, please.