Ho Ho Ho . . .
Can you hear it? We did and often coming from a 3 year old little voice made as low as she possible could pull off. Yes, Lilly, was very aware of Christmas this year and more accurately of the presents.
Christmas time was a tish bit crazier than usual around here. We chose December as moving month. No, we haven't left Greenville, PA, but we did move about a ½ mile down the road to a 4 bedroom house, giving each child a room to call their own in lower campus area of Thiel College.
Scott is Public Service Director for Greenville Borough bringing home the bacon, but also had a position teaching a course at Thiel this past semester. He loves teaching on the college level and hopes to find more opportunities in the future. I hope so, too. I often quote, “happy wife, happy life,” but truly, “happy husband leads to happy wife, which leads to happy life,” so oh, how I hope teaching gigs continue as he's a great teacher and a happy one. Both Scott and I are involved in Campus Ministry through an organization called CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) Campus Ministries. Scott is currently working towards his PhD at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. He also made a trip overseas with his buddy, Jeff, on a mission trip to Lima, Peru and is moments closer to being accepted as a Chaplain in the Army,
David (24) was in this year for a brief visit before Christmas. Our time with him was short, but sweet. He currently holds down a full-time grown-up job, while also pursuing a bachelors degree. Having made a switch from Navy to Air Force he continues to be in the National Guard.
Megan (19) is a freshman at nearby Slippery Rock University, working towards a degree in Math Secondary Education. She loves Slippery Rock and we love having her so near. Spending several a long weekend with us, she and Lilly have become tight as sisters need to be in this sea of boys. Oh, and Megan had a 4.0 her first semester! So proud of her!
Josh (17) is a senior! Joining the military ranks in this family, he signed on with the Army National Guard with an early sign-on bonus for doing it his senior year of high school. When he comes home in his uniform from Guard Weekends, it blows us away. Crazy! He'll leave for boot camp in June after graduation. Currently on winter break from Dairy Queen employment, his favorite pastime is hanging out with Asians. You'll have to ask him about that yourself.
Jesse (9) entered 4th grade which means he's in middle school. He continues to get good reports academically, like his recent 4.0 (Yay Jesse!), as well as on being well-behaved and friend to all. When soccer season hit this past year, he declared to cousins, friends, and coaches, that he's an International player since he played in the Cayman Islands. Well, he does have a point. He did play internationally.
Lilly (3) is officially a US Citizen as of this past week! Completely aware of Santa this year, weeks before Christmas, she announced, “Mommy, maybe if we go to bed, Santa will come!” Very concerned with staying off Santa's Bad List (a valid concern), she asked 2 days before “Is there still time to make the Good List?” She had it covered. She was going to write Santa a letter if it wasn't looking good. Scott congratulated me for doing my mothering job well, the morning he woke her and she said, “Just five more minutes of sleep.” Yep, that's my girl. Lilly loves Sunday school friends, napping with daddy, baking with mommy, watching television with Jesse and being sarcastic with Josh. Keeping all of us on our toes always, she makes me tired and laugh all at the same time. Lilly equals joy!
In addition to happy homemaker and CCO ministry, I volunteer 2 days a week in the office of our church, Bethel Life. My most exciting adventure this year was a short-term mission trip to Quito, Ecuador! Amazing ministry touched my heart. And in spite of what you hear, I only spilled one bowl of soup on a little girl and did not cause a country plumbing incident by continually mistakenly flushing toilet paper. I did, however, apparently talk a lot. And yes, I'm still working towards completion of a book about our life, but no, I did not meet my self-imposed deadline to be done editing completely by December 31st. Still I press on and hope to complete it this coming year. I remind myself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” - Phil. 4:13 (NKJV) And so can you.
A late but Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!
Blessings & Love,
The Graubards